Alexander Estis
Alexander Estis is a writer. He was born into a Jewish family of artists in Moscow in 1986. He moved to Hamburg in 1996. After completing his studies, he taught German language and literature at various universities. He has lived as a freelance author in Switzerland since 2016.
Alexander Estis has published seven books to date; the book Fluchten was published by edition mosaik in 2022. Alexander Estis writes columns, essays and reports for FAZ, NZZ, SZ, ZEIT and other newspapers. His radio contributions can be heard regularly on Deutschlandfunk Kultur. He also translates poetry and prose from Russian and Latin. He teaches professional writing at the University of Cologne and elsewhere.
Alexander Estis is a member of the Association of Swiss Authors, PEN Berlin and PEN in Exile. He has received several awards for his texts, most recently the Kurt Tucholsky Prize.
Alexander Estis works primarily in small literary forms; his work is characterised by stylistic diversity and the fusion of satire and seriousness, essays and fiction, prose and metre, text and music as well as word and image.