Andrea Schenkel
Andrea Maria Schenkel, born in 1962, is considered one of Germany's most renowned crime writers. In 2006, her debut Tannöd was published - a surprise success with which she caused a great stir: the novel was awarded the German Crime Prize, the Friedrich Glauser Prize, and the Martin Beck Award, the Swedish crime novel prize for the best international crime novel. The initial print run was 1000 copies - the novel sold over a million copies, was translated into twenty languages and filmed for the cinema. For her second book Kalteis (2007), Schenkel received the German Crime Prize for the second time in a row. Most recently, Bunker (2009), Finsterau (2012), Täuscher (2013), and Als die Liebe endlich war (2016), the first novel beyond the crime genre, and Der Erdspiegel (2023) were published. Schenkel has three grown children and lives in Regensburg, Germany, and in Larchmont, a suburb of New York. She teaches at Bronx Community College and OTH Regensburg and writes regularly for ZEIT Verbrechen.