Christian Dittloff
Christian Dittloff, born in Hamburg in 1983, studied German and English language and literature in Hamburg and literary writing in Hildesheim. Before the publication of his debut novel Das Weiße Schloss in 2018 by Berlin Verlag, he worked in a psychiatric clinic, as a cultural journalist, and as an expert in cultural marketing. He is a member of Literature for What Happens - a collective of writers who financially support people on the run.
Most recently, Christian Dittloff has focused on autofictional narrative formats and the thematic complexes of critical masculinity and mourning. His autobiographical novel Niemehrzeit - Das Jahr des Abschieds von meinen Eltern was published in 2021 and Prägung - Nachdenken über Männlichkeit in 2023. Christian Dittloff lives in Berlin.