Christine Dohler
Christine Dohler lives in Hamburg, but is at home all over the world as a digital nomad. She studied journalism and communication science at the University of Hamburg and was trained at the Henri Nannen School of Journalism.
She writes as an author for media such as FAS, Die Zeit, SZ-Magazin, Emotion, Stern, Brigitte and Flow. She was also editor-in-chief of Food and Travel and editorial director of Emotion Slow. In addition, she is a meditation teacher (for adults and children) and course leader for intuitive writing. Her main topics are: Travel, self-awareness, personal development, interpersonal, society and sustainability.
The following books have been published: At the End of Longing, Freedom Awaits (Leo Publishing); Rituals. How they strengthen us in life (Goldmann); SPIEGEL bestseller Rauhnächte mit Kindern erleben. A magical journey for the whole family (Goldmann), The female energy of the Rauhnächte (Goldman), 22 questions to the heart that fill your life with love (Goldmann). www.christinedohler.de, @christinedohler