Eva Reisinger
Eva Reisinger, born in 1992, studied journalism in Vienna and worked for media companies in Vienna, Hamburg, Berlin and Istanbul. From 2017, she built up a focus on Austria for the young medium of DIE ZEIT and reported as a correspondent from the neighboring country. Her first book Was geht, Österreich?
was published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch in 2021 and made Austria sweat. Her debut novel Männer töten
(Leykam) tells the story of a secret matriarchy in the Austrian province. Männer töten
became a bestseller, was also nominated for the Austrian Debut Prize, received the Start Scholarship of the City of Vienna, was book of the year 2023 according to FM4 and named one of the most beautiful books in Austria. The author has already presented her novel at the University of Oxford, St. Andrews and Istanbul. Eva Reisinger lives with her dog Frieda as a freelance author in Vienna.