Matthias Lohre
Matthias Lohre, born in 1976, is a writer, historian and journalist. From 1996 to 2001, he studied history and English at the University of Cologne, graduating with a Master's degree. After a three-month internship in New York, where he was an eyewitness to the attacks on the World Trade Center, he completed the editor training program at the Berlin School of Journalism until 2003. From 2005 to 2014, he worked as a political editor and columnist for the taz. His autobiographical nonfiction book Das Erbe der Kriegsenkel placed in the Spiegel bestseller list in 2016. The successor Das Opfer ist der neue Held (2019) was adopted by the Federal Agency for Civic Education in its series of publications. Lohre's debut novel Der kühnste Plan seit Menschengedenken (2021) was praised by critics.