Literarische Agentur Gaeb & Eggers


Yvonne Zitzmann

Yvonne Zitzmann

Yvonne Zitzmann, born in 1976 in Frankfurt (Oder), lives as a writer in Rangsdorf. She writes poetry, prose and radio plays for children and adults. After studying German and psychology at the University of Potsdam, she worked as a freelancer for various print media until 2010. In addition to readings, she also enjoys leading writing workshops, including sponsoring authors for elementary school students in Zeuthen and Petershagen-Eggersdorf (2016, 2019 and 2022). She is a member of the Uckermärkische Literaturgesellschaft, the Friedrich-Bödecker-Kreis Brandenburg e.V. and the GEDOK Brandenburg e.V. She has received numerous awards for her work, including. Annual Scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the State of Brandenburg (2022), participation in the LiteraTour Nord 2021 (debut special), nomination Uwe-Johnson-Förderpreis (2021), Kunst-Förderpreis des Landes Brandenburg (2014) und den Ehm-Welk-Literaturpreis (2012).
In 2021, her widely acclaimed debut novel Tage des Vergessens was published. 2022 followed Die Füchse haben Gruben, die Vögel haben Nester, both published by Müry Salzmann Verlag Vienna/ Salzburg.